Rotary’s motto of SERVICE ABOVE SELF could inspire you, too!

With 1.2 million members and 35,000 chapters, Rotary International makes a difference here in Pleasanton and around the world with life-changing programs along five avenues of service:
· CLUB SERVICE to strengthen fellowship among our members,
· VOCATIONAL SERVICE to help our members thrive professionally and to encourage them to adhere to high ethical standards,
· COMMUNITY SERVICE through direct involvement in projects that strengthen the physical, economic and social fabrics of our communities,
· INTERNATIONAL SERVICE by maintaining Rotary’s global humanitarian reach to promote peace, fight disease, deliver clean drinking water, assist mothers and children, support education, grow local economies and protect the environment.
· YOUTH SERVICE by developing young leaders to assure a better future for us all.
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Choose from Pleasanton’s three Rotary clubs to meet your needs:
ROTARY CLUB OF PLEASANTON. Weekly business lunch meetings on Thursdays at Haps Original, 122 West Neal St., Pleasanton. Website:

Now in its 56th year, the Rotary Club of Pleasanton is the city’s oldest and largest Rotary chapter. It has awarded more than $1 million in scholarships to local high school graduates and has distributed thousands of wheelchairs in Latin America. In 2020-21, its foundation donated $21,050 to 15 local charities, helping cloth, feed and house our neighbors. The club’s community projects are supported by its annual Halloween Spirit Run. See our website to learn how you can become a member.
ROTARY CLUB OF PLEASANTON NORTH. Weekly business lunch meetings on Fridays at Haps Original, 122 West Neal St., Pleasanton, CA. Website:

The Rotary Club of Pleasanton North (PNR) worked with its district office to persuade Rotary International (RI) to add Youth Service as its fifth Avenue of Service. The change boosted the importance of youth services in all aspects of Rotary’s work worldwide. PNR’s recent community service efforts have assisted the homeless, battered women, military families, developmentally disabled adults, and local health services responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. To learn how to join us, click on the “Get Involved” navigation link at the top of the homepage of our website.
TRI-VALLEY EVENING ROTARY. Dinner meetings at 6 p.m. Thursdays, online or in-person in Pleasanton. Website:

Chartered in 2002, the Tri-Valley’s only evening Rotary club endeavors to go beyond its small size. Our members are passionate about hands-on projects, such as our annual Community Coat Drive for children and an on-going medical and women’s vocational training project in India. To support these and other projects, our Fleur Flingers fundraiser provides seed “bombs” that revitalize land devastated by recent wildfires. To join a meeting or volunteer for an event, contact us at